The House has been changing children's lives since 1872.

Meet Jay

Boy and man sitting on the couch watching a tablet.If you neglect a seed, it will never grow. It will never blossom.

When Jay was a small child, his mother abandoned him. He never knew his father. His mother lost parental rights and he was adopted by a single mom. Within a few years, his new mom started to become withdrawn, eventually unable to leave her room due to crippling depression. She refused to take her medication and neglected Jay. Jay was responsible for his own daily routine while his mother refused him even entry into her room.

Starved for attention, Jay started to act out. He shoplifted. His mother came to get him and scold him... then retreat into her room. He vandalized. His mother came to get him and scold him... retreat into her room. "Any kind of attention was better than none," Jay says, and he continued to break the law. Through the courts, Jay was placed at The House.

It didn't take long for Jay to become a favorite of the staff. He WANTED to get involved with activities. He quickly took to playing drums, and recently got to perform with Mark Schulman - the drummer for P!nk! He started playing on the basketball team at the YMCA, and then jumped at the opportunity to play at basketball camp. Jay tells his mom during his home visits of his accomplishments, but his mother is incapable of appreciating these moments and asks Jay to leave her room.

Jay has requested to be removed from her care permanently and will soon transition into foster care. He has recently met a wonderful foster dad who is giving Jay the attention he yearns for. His foster dad encourages Jay to participate in sports and music. AND he LISTENS to Jay when he beams with pride. Jay only needed to be heard, to feel appreciated, to be loved. We hope he finds his forever family, at last, because every child deserves a family.