The House has been changing children's lives since 1872.

A care management model where all the child's caregivers communicate with one another to appropriately address the family's needs.

Health Homes

A Children's Health Home is a care management service model were ALL of a child's caregivers communicate with one another so that a family's needs are addressed appropriately.

The House of the Good Shepherd will provide a care manager to eligible families, children and youth to provide access to services assuring they have everything necessary to stay healthy, out of the emergency room and out of the hospital.

The Care Manager supports services that a family may already be receiving and will help families get new ones if necessary.

Who is eligible to enroll?

Children from birth to age 21 must be enrolled in Medicaid AND meet eligibility criteria by having two or more chronic health conditions OR one of the following single qualifying conditions:

  • Serious Emotional Disturbance
  • Complex Trauma

Potential enrollees must also demonstrate that they would benefit from Health Home Care Management Services. The House of the Good Shepherd has experts on staff that will work with you determine if a child is eligible.

What does a children's health home do?

  • Comprehensive Care Management
  • Care Coordination and Health Promotion
  • Comprehensive Transitional Care
  • Individual and Family Support
  • Referral to Community and Social Support Services


Gina Owens


Kurt Widrick
315.782.8064 x4036