The House has been changing children's lives since 1872.

With our small classroom ratios and professional staff involvement, students' individual goals and objectives are the primary focus.

Tilton School

With our small classroom ratios and professional staff involvement, students' individual goals and objectives are the primary focus.

Our School Structure

The Tilton School offers a structured, therapeutic, and supportive educational program for students in grades K -12 that is certified by the New York State Educational Department (NYSED). Our collaborative educational program is designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities, offering small class sizes for students to receive more individualized and differentiated instruction as well as meaningful learning experiences to ensure that all students reach their potential.

Our school is divided into two programs: Tilton East serves students in grades K-8, and Tilton West serves students in grades 9-12. We operate under the NYSED curriculum, utilize the NYSED 3-8 assessments, and administer NYSED Regents exams for students in grades 9-12. Part of a typical school day also includes Computer Lab, Library, Physical Education, Music, Art, Home and Careers and Health.

Tilton School employs about 80 full-time staff. This includes full-time teachers and instructional support staff as well as non-instructional service providers including School Social Workers, a Guidance Counselor, School Psychologist, and CSE Chairperson.

School Incentive Programs
The Tilton School has incentive-based and non-incentive-based programs that offer opportunities for personal growth, skill-building and goal attainment. Students earn tokens throughout the week for positive behavior, being kind to peers, achieving a goal, going above and beyond, etc.  They can cash in their tokens and purchase items at our Token Store every Friday.

The Peer Mentoring Program has been a great success since it started two years ago.  Students have the opportunity to apply to be a mentor, fill out an application and go through an interview process. There is a 5-week training that is required to become a mentor. Once the student becomes a mentor, they become a resource to their peers to help when someone may need a friend or someone to play a game. Mentors help their peers regulate their emotions. Mentors also participate in community-based projects such as Adopt a Highway - where they pick up trash along Champlin Avenue, placing flags on Veteran’s graves, visit nursing homes, and more.

What Makes Us Unique

  • Small Classroom Sizes
  • Staffed Learning Center
  • Individualized Tutoring
  • Speech & Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Peer Mentoring Program
  • Music & Drum Program