Intensive Treatment Program (ITP)
Our goal is that everyone leaves knowing that they have staff who support them and believe that growth and change are possible!
All of our youth deserve the treatment, guidance, and support they need; in their own time frame. Youth in these programs come to us to learn to cope with their trauma and mental health while building positive adaptive and problem-solving skills that will lead to a successful future.
We have 2 Intensive Treatment Programs which are located on our campus and housed at "Carbone Cottage and Daytona Cottage." Youth who reside in these programs are between the ages of 6 and 21. Most of these youth attend our on-campus Tilton School. However, if the child would benefit from a different setting, that is also an option. While engaging in these programs, youth receive weekly onsite individual therapy and case management services. Psychiatric, psychological, and medical services are available onsite as needed.
Success is defined in a variety of different ways for these youth. Many return home to their biological families, and for others with more work to complete, they may step down to a foster home or a group home.