The House has been changing children's lives since 1872.

How Sanctuary Works

The Secret to Improved Outcomes is in the Process

The secret to Sanctuary is in how it integrates the structure of our organization with the trauma-informed care we offer our clients. Here's how Sanctuary works to improve outcomes for both The House and our children.

Implementing the Sanctuary Model Changes Thinking

  • Adopting a trauma sensitive organizational paradigm changes the way we think.

Changing Thinking, Changes Behavior

  • The S.E.L.F. Framework changes how we use language.
  • The Seven Commitments delineate how we sustain relationships.
  • The Sanctuary Toolkit improves the way we practice.

Changing Behavior Changes the Organization

  • Reduced turnover
  • Improved morale
  • Improved communication
  • Decreased incidents of violence

Changing the Organization Changes Client Outcomes

  • Fewer trauma symptoms
  • Enhanced social skills
  • Improved relationships with family and peers
  • Improved academic performance
  • Increased ability to maintain safety
  • Improved judgment and decisions